India to Buy Hundreds of Missiles for Russian Self Propelled Air Defence System

In what could be a signal of faith in the Russian 2K12 Kub/Kvadrat self propelled air defence system over home-made surface to air missile Akash, India has asked global vendors to supply approximately 200 missiles for the system.

Akash was to replace the 3M9ME/3M9M3E missiles in the Kvadrat System for providing air defense cover to the mechanized forces during battle manoeuvres. Kvadrat is designated for air defense of the manpower and objects against enemy aircraft flying at low and middle heights both at subsonic and supersonic speeds.

The army in a document says that missile should be capable of engaging target in range of 24/25 kms with a single shot kill probability of at least 80 percent. The army wants the missile to have minimum 96 percent with delivery from 2018.

It is evident from the current purchase order that the army would have to continue with Kvadrat. The army finds Akash air defense system a bit slower and ineffective while on the move. It is considered that the reaction time of Akash is longer and has radar coverage of less than 360 degrees.

Last year, India had issued global tenders to Russia’s Rosoboronexport, Thales and Eurosam (France), Raytheon (US), Israel Aerospace Industries, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Tetraedr of Belarus, South Korea’s Doosan Group and LIG Nex1, Diehl Defense of Germany and the pan-European MBDA.

Source :- Sputnik News

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