IAI's Barak-8 test-fired at sea

Feb. 10 (UPI) -- Israel Aerospace Industries' Barak-8 surface-to-air missile was recently test-fired at sea to verify its capabilities.

The Barak-8 is operated by the armed forces of Israel and India as a means to defend against airborne threats including fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aircraft, anti-ship missiles, and cruise missiles.

The weapon system's features include all-weather supersonic skimmers for high-altitude targets, standalone data link optimizing task forces, and a vertical launch capability. The system can be used to engage multiple targets at a time during sever saturation scenarios.

The missile weighs roughly 600 pounds, measures 180 inches, and has an operational range of approximately 55 miles. The weapon is launched using an 8-cell VLS module.

While Israel, India and Azerbaijan are the only operators of the missile, Chile, Germany and Poland have expressed interest in procuring it.

Source :- UPI

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